
Compare all shipping options in real time
2Ship automatically searches your carriers to find all available services and prices for every item you ship.
- Your options are displayed by lowest cost or fastest delivery time.
- Rates are updated automatically.
- Carrier list price available with delivery dates and times to allow you to compare services and prices across carriers.
One screen to compare, select and ship
Enter all your shipment information on one screen
- No need to navigate through additional pages or wait for pages to load or refresh.
- Print your labels, ship from home and have a carrier pick up your parcel
- Choose between standard and advanced shipping modes. Standard mode offers a simplified shipping screen with fewer options, while the advanced mode offers every shipping option you could ever need.


View real time shipping history, anytime
With ONE shipping history, across all your carrier shipments, finding a shipment or a large number of shipments is fast and easy.
- Extensive filter options to find what you are looking for with the information you have.
- Dive deep into each shipments' details, track all non-delivered items, check delivery performance, sort and subtotal, export to excel and more.

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