2024 Canadian FedEx Rate Change

It's official. FedEx has announced changes to shipping rates for 2024. 

FedEx has unveiled changes to its shipping rates for 2024, with increases slated for FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, and FedEx Freight. For those three services, changes will be applied to special handling fees, clearance services, and related fees. These adjustments are scheduled to take effect on January 1, 2024, unless stated otherwise. 

Here is a snapshot of some of the important adjustments. 

FedEx Express 

Special Handling Fees 2023

Special Handling Fees20232024

Intra-Canada Package Services

$28 per shipment (1) (Dimension) 
$31.50 per shipment (1) (Weight) 
$26 per shipment (1) (Packaging) 
$22 per shipment (2) (Dimension) 
$25.50 per shipment (2) (Weight) 
$20 per shipment (2) (Packaging)

International Package Services 

$22 per shipment (Dimension) 
$25.50 per shipment (Weight) 
$20 per shipment (Packaging) 

1. Effective Jan. 
2. through Jan. 15, 2023

Intra-Canada Package Services 


$29.30 per shipment (1) (Dimension) 
$33 per shipment (1) (Weight) 
$27.20 per shipment (1) (Packaging) 
$23.30 per shipment (2) (Dimension) 
$27 per shipment (2) (Weight) $21.20 per shipment (2) (Packaging) 

International Package Services 

$23.30 per shipment (1) (Dimension) 
$27 per shipment (1) (Weight) $21.20 per shipment (1) (Packaging) 
$23.30 per package (2) (Dimension) 
$27 per package (2) (Weight) $21.20 per package (2) (Packaging) 

1. Effective Jan. 1 through Jan. 14, 2024 
2. Effective beginning Jan. 15, 2024

Intra-Canada Package Services 

$29.30 per shipment (1) (Dimension) 
$33 per shipment (1) (Weight) $27.20 per shipment1 (Packaging) 
$23.30 per shipment (2) (Dimension) $27 per shipment (2) (Weight) 
$21.20 per shipment (2) (Packaging) 

International Package Services 
$23.30 per shipment (1) (Dimension) 
$27 per shipment (1) (Weight) 
$21.20 per shipment (1) (Packaging) 
$23.30 per package (2) (Dimension) 
$27 per package (2) (Weight) 
$21.20 per package (2) (Packaging) 

1. Effective Jan. 1 through Jan. 14, 2024 
2. Effective beginning Jan. 15, 2024

Additional Handling Surcharge - Non-stackable$215 per shipment for intra-Canada and international freight services 

Intra-Canada Freight Service $225 per shipment 

International Freight Services $225 per shipment (1) 
$225 per package (2) 

1. Effective Jan. 1 through Jan. 14, 2024 
2. Effective beginning Jan. 15, 2024

Address Correction Fee$15.95 per shipment $16.50 per shipment 

Stay tuned as we will be releasing the official UPS and FedEx 2024 shipping guides where you will be able to have quick access to the new rates and learn about the most popular services! In addition, this guide will also be packed with tips to help you stay on top of shipping rates all year long.

Hey! Remember that the holiday shipping season is still going on, and UPS and FedEx have announced their peak season surcharges for 2023. Make sure to get the latest updates by reading our blog posts below to help you navigate this merry season!

Quick reminder for Purolator

Purolator’s rate adjustments went into effect on September 1st, 2023, and will go through September 2024. To learn more about those changes please read our article. You can also find the 2023-2024 Purolator Rate guide here!


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At Quadient, we are committed to providing you with the latest information to help you navigate these changes effectively. We will continue monitoring the situation and update you on any further developments.

If you have any questions or need assistance adapting to these rate changes, please do not hesitate to contact our team.

