FIVE ways to save time and money on mailing and shipping

Postage costs continue to rise. These costs can quickly add up and take a big bite out of your budget, especially during peak mailing and shipping periods. Before you know it, you're spending more than sending.

SMBs have to be even more conscious of using resources wisely and making every dollar count. While managing costs is vital to a successful business, you also want to ensure that you fully utilize the talents of your employees. Having key employees spend time on manual mailing tasks is inefficient, unproductive, and potentially error-prone. Managing tasks manually takes staff away from their core responsibilities and other revenue-driving work.  However, you can invest in some simple and scalable solutions to help you take charge of your mailing and shipping process.

1.  Use a postage meter vs. traditional stamps 
A postage meter or mailing system takes the guesswork out of postage as well as reduces frequent trips to the post office. Postage meters with IMI (Intelligent Mail Indicia) technology eliminate the risk of overpaying by connecting to the USPS ® so you always use the latest rates.

Plus, postage meters save you as much as 5% compared to traditional stamps or 3 cents per letter. With USPS®-approved postage meters, you can also qualify for commercial base pricing discounts Postage meters track your spending too, and enable you to effortlessly assign costs to specific jobs or departments making billbacks easier.

If you would like to take a look, we’ve condensed and simplified all the key facts about postage meters in our Ultimate Guide. 

2. Integrate mailing and shipping software 
It pays to shop around, especially when it comes to shipping. Invest in a comprehensive mailing and shipping solution that allows you to compare rates from different carriers in real time. This intelligent mailing software can be easily integrated into your postage meter or mailing system. This solution often come with additional features like bulk shipping and advanced tracking, providing you with a multi-faceted approach to cost savings.

3. Improve Address Hygiene
“Return to Sender" is a phrase nobody wants to see. Each mail piece that goes undelivered is money out the window. According to the latest estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey, 27.3 million Americans (8.6% of the population) moved in 2022, which is roughly 4% more than moved in 2021. How often do you check and cleanse your database? By implementing an address verification system you can continually update your mailing list to dramatically reduce the number of undelivered communications thereby saving you money along with improving customer satisfaction.

4. Merge Like Communications
If you’re sending multiple types of correspondence to the same address, why not bundle them together? Combining communications not only reduces the number of envelopes and stamps you need but also decreases the chance of something getting lost in the mail. You can enhance a folder inserter to speed up the process and enhance it with document software to automate your workflow. This enables you to sort, collate and group documents for like recipients with the utmost integrity and security and ensure the right document always goes to the right recipient.

Enable digital delivery channels 
A growing number of customers prefer digital communications. Are there certain types of communications that you could send digitally?  If so,you could use digital platforms, like email or a secure client portal. This not only saves on paper stock, envelopes, and postage but also makes tracking and management a breeze.

5. Electronic Certified Mail
If you send Certified Mail, an electronic service enables you to send important documents securely right from the comfort and convenience of your desk. An electronic mail service saves money, time, AND space. You receive the same level of tracking and proof of delivery without the hassle of a physical trip to the post office. An electronic mail service saves you up to 38% vs. traditional Certified Mail and simplifies tracking and archiving of Return Receipts so you don’t have to worry about filing and digging out the physical green cards.

Saving a little here and there adds up over time. That's a win-win for your time and your wallet.  Managing your mailing and shipping costs doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. By adopting some of these methods, you can streamline your processes, save money, and redirect those funds to grow other areas of your business. These solutions are just a sample of what you can do to combat rising costs immediately and in the long run. But there are plenty more ways to make your mailing and shipping operations more efficient. Speak to a Quadient Mail Expert to learn more. 

Cost-effective tips to help you reduce costs on outgoing mail and parcels for your business