The Comprehensive Guide to USPS Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI) and Postage Meter Decertification [WITH Q&A]

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Understanding IMI compliance and what it means for your business 

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably heard about the new IMI postage technology from the USPS®, or you received a notification from your postage meter vendor that your machine is being decertified. Postage meters are important to ensuring the smooth operation of your business and the timely deliverability of critical customer communications. So, what happens when your machine gets decertified? In this article, we outline everything you need to know about postage meter decertification and get you straight to the essential IMI information so you can navigate the process successfully. 

Icon lightbulb symbolizing knowledge in a stretched hand
icon - envelope with a stamp
icon regulations
icon - mail meter
moving fast

Faster updates

IMI-ready machines update postal data every 72 hours!

Better pricing

Save at least 33% Over Pitney Bowes, No hidden fees!

Reduced costs

Save 5% on every First-Class letter compared to stamps.

No overspending

No more incorrect postage or miscalculations.

Act now! 
Don’t let postage meter decertification disrupt your mailing process by causing delays or financial losses. 

Contact a Quadient expert! 

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