2020 Royal Mail franking price change on the way: continue saving with Mailmark
Royal Mail has announced that a tariff update is due on 23 March 2020
While we know the date for the tariff update this year, details of the changes are yet to be released – follow the blog for updates. Whatever the changes, Mailmark franking will still give your business the lowest prices for Royal Mail franking. It is cheaper than using standard franking and delivers further savings over using stamps.
For all companies, staying in touch with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders is an essential business activity – and posted mail continues to be an essential part of this. With the right solutions, businesses can better manage costs while also ensuring that outgoing mail is presented professionally.
Mailmark explained
Mailmark is the latest generation of franking technology. It uses a barcode to carry more information about items being sent. It saves your business money because it offers the lowest prices for Royal Mail franking products and services. With a Mailmark franking machine you can upload credit as you need it, controlling and tracking postage spend across your business.
Franking tips and advice
The Royal Mail website has a range of quick guides and 'how to' videos as well as a ‘top tips’ poster to help you when it comes to preparing and posting your franked mail. These resources can give you the guidance you need to make the right choices, and save time, when preparing mail for posting.
You can also get more information on Royal Mail’s franking services and Mailmark from the Royal Mail website and discover how Quadient can help you streamline your outgoing mail management by finding out about our intelligent Mailmark Franking Machines.