ConnectSuite e-Preference

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ConnectSuite e-Preference

Accelerate the conversion from paper to digital with our delivery preference solution.  Manage opt-in and opt-out campaigns with ease and reach your paper suppression targets with e-preference. 

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Why choose ConnectSuite e-Preference?

Evolve your customer communications strategy

Adapt to the market’s changing needs

Manage customer delivery preferences

Decrease costs with one-click paperless enrollment

Employee working on a computer

Effectively manage your multi-channel communications

Sixty-five per cent of businesses surveyed, agree that most of their customer communications will soon be delivered electronically. More and more customers prefer and are opting for digital document delivery versus paper-based communication.

Create a deeper connection with your customer

ConnectSuite e-Preference helps companies manage customer preferences and effectively distribute critical customer communications through traditional mail channels, or electronically through email or SMS text.

Group discussion
Connected social media

Evolve to digital communication while maintaining physical mail delivery

ConnectSuite e-Preference helps manage the entire e-consent process, driving digital adoption through automated opt-in campaigns, and helping you evolve your customer to electronic delivery.

Seamlessly integrate with our best-in-class solutions

Couple ConnectSuite e-Preference with OMS-500, our intelligent document output management software.  Streamline and secure your customer communication process while strengthening your customer relationships.

Seamlessly integrate with our best-in-class solutions

OMS-500 Output Management Software

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Document Delivery Portal

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Quadient AR Powered by YayPay

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