January 2024 USPS Rate Change

The U.S. Postal Service has recently unveiled its proposed price adjustments for 2024.
DS-40i folder inserter

Compact and quiet, the DS-40i integrates easily into any office environment. Click here to find out more by reading our brochure.
How to optimize print and digital communications to maximize customer experience

Customer interactions are becoming increasingly omnichannel and increasingly digital. However, many businesses struggle with creating seamless experiences across different communication channels. Su Doyle, Senior Analyst, Forrester discusses the importance of understanding customer needs and striking a balanced approach to your customer communication strategy to ensure a high quality experience with your business.
Why print is essential to your customer communication toolkit

As the world becomes more digitally oriented, print communications are often downplayed or overlooked as an effective means of connecting with customers.
2024 FedEx and UPS shipping rate guides

Get the latest UPS and FedEx shipping rates in this easy to use infographic
Top 10 USPS® mailing and shipping discounts

We've summarized the Top 10 mailing and shipping discounts on this easy-to-understand infographic
What is IMI (Intelligent Mail Indicia) compliance?

Our video provides a quick historical overview of the evolution of mail and the upcoming Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI) mandate by the USPS to avoid mail disruption. IMI has been around for some time, but by the end of 2024, the USPS is requiring all those that still use postage meters with IBI technology to transition to IMI. Find out if your machine is compliant and if not what you need to do to upgrade.
USPS® Postal Rates Webinar - Unpacking the July 2023 Changes

No worries, if you missed our mailing experts, break down rate changes from the USPS®. As of July 9, changes include new fees on stamps and various USPS® services. Get insights, tips, and even a few hacks to help you navigate these changes with confidence. Watch the webinar on demand NOW.