What is IMI (Intelligent Mail Indicia) compliance?

IMI indicia
Our video provides a quick historical overview of the evolution of mail and the upcoming Intelligent Mail Indicia (IMI) mandate by the USPS to avoid mail disruption.  IMI has been around for some time, but by the end of 2024, the USPS is requiring all those that still use postage meters with IBI technology to transition to IMI. Find out if your machine is compliant and if not what you need to do to upgrade.

Quadient’s suite of solutions increase productivity and save costs for Trois Moulins Habitat

Trois Moulins Habitat, located in Seine-et-Marne, France, creates and manages affordable, quality housing for people of limited resources, in partnership with local authorities. A subsidiary of the Polylogis group, an independent property management company specializing in the construction, renovation, development, and management of social housing, Trois Moulins Habitat’s mission is to develop quality social housing rentals and promote diversity and social ties.