Businesses today face a multitude of regulatory issues and customer demands to guarantee the integrity of sensitive business communications. Failure to meet those diverse standards could result in substantial financial loss and jeopardize hard-won customer relationships. AIMS, combined with Quadient's proprietary Integrated Mail Operating System (IMOS), is your key to preventing those perils. AIMS by Quadient provides two mail solutions in one: Real time information and statistics to manage your mail center and a new window into your operation.

AIMS, combined with Quadient's proprietary Integrated Mail Operating System (IMOS), is your key to preventing those perils. AIMS by Quadient provides two mail solutions in one: Real-time information and statistics to manage your mail center and a new window into your operation. 

The AIMS application delivers peace of mind, value and the level of reliable service you deserve. Its fast verification capability confirms that every piece of mail in your job has been processed accurately, providing complete "closed loop", piece-level integrity.

Learn more about how AIMS helps businesses to:

  • Ensure mailpiece integrity and security
  • Provide closed-loop verification
  • Monitor and manage each piece of mail
  • Utilize the reporting analysis format that suits your purpose
  • Bring versatility to your businesses mail workflow

Download the brochure to learn more.

Real time information and statistics to manage your mail center
AIMS: Automated Insertion Management System