third party ink disaster

Don’t look away…

The above image is not a workplace accident. It is however, what can happen when spurious third party ‘Quadient’ inks are used in Quadient, Formerly Neopost franking machines.
Buying Quadient inks from third party suppliers may seem like a great money saver; but what if we told you that you’re not buying Quadient ink at all? You’re actually buying a ticking time bomb, that can damage your franking machine beyond repair...

Ink cartridges bought from third party companies tend to be old Quadient or Neopost ink cartridges, that have been refilled with inferior ink, by way of a hole being drilled in to the cartridge and re-sealed – which are also prone to leaking. This is why you should only buy official Quadient ink directly from us on the Quadient eShop, or by contacting the office on 1850 33 44 55 or, thus ensuring you better quality and machine safety.

The below images were taken by a recent ink cartridge leak, that has set our customer back €1,500 and may have damaged their franking machine beyond repair.

third party ink disaster

third party ink disaster

third party ink disaster

Another reason to only use official Quadient inks is to protect your service cover.

If a third-party ink cartridge bursts in your machine, it’s not covered by your service agreement, which can put you further out of pocket due to repair costs, or even having to acquire a new one.  If you have any doubts, get in touch with us via phone or email and be sure to ask anyone who calls offering “Quadient ink” if they are calling from Quadient? 

If you’re unsure about your delivery, a third-party supplier will deliver in a box something like this…


third party ink packaging
Whereas a Quadient delivery always looks like this…

quadient ink packaging

quadient ink packaging
All our franking machine inks are available via Quadient on our eShop, or by contacting so you can count on us to make sure this doesn’t happen to you. 

Ink in cartridges and plotter