Royal Mail franking machine decertification FAQs (Copy)

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Royal Mail franking machine decertification frequently asked questions

What does decertification mean?

What are the benefits of upgrading to a new Franking Machine?

Does franking still make sense for me?

What is Mailmark?

Why is Royal Mail decertifying standard franking machines?

Why should I stay with Quadient?

What can I do with my old machine?

What happens to my old franking machine when I order a new one?

Will there be a change to the postage prices?

How long will it take to receive my new franking machine?

What do I need to do when my package arrives?

Who do I call for additional training?

How do I order franking machine supplies?

Who do I call if my franking machine is not working properly?

How do I make a change to my company’s name or address?

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