Latest security scanning technology helps reduce risk and improves employee safety
A security scanner can quickly screen handfuls of mail or small packages with ease, and provides on-the-spot confirmation of unusual or unexpected items.
Why choose a Quadient Security Scanner?
Whatever your size of business or organisation and whatever your need, there’s a Quadient security solution that will help you manage your screening process more efficiently and safely.
- World-leading technology
- Low-level X-rays conform to International Electrical Safety and Radiation Standards
- Clear, definition-rich, X-ray images
- Allow operators to quickly and easily distinguish between legitimate and malicious or prohibited items
Our award-winning UK based team would love to discuss how we can help you.
In as little as 45 minutes we’ll analyse your inbound mail processes to assess risk and propose recommendations on how to improve your mail security.
Download our Security Scanner white paper
Simply complete your details to download our white paper and find out why businesses, like yours, are investing in security scanners. Book your FREE security audit and also get 20% OFF your Quadient Security Scanner.