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Fill envelopes faster than by hand
Offices, busy mailrooms and production mail facilities can benefit from more accurate and precise management of their mail with a folder inserter. With our range, you can:
- Fill envelopes at least 13x faster than by hand
- Personalise content per client
- Have perfect presentation with neat folds and location of address
- Avoid human error
Professional letter folding and inserting machines, coupled with our intelligent output management software ensure accuracy so the right document goes to the right person. Envelope inserters make the organising and stuffing of letters, invoices, brochures and CDs much quicker and easier overall.

Customer feedback
With lower operating overheads, the new system has already made a significant contribution to the Company’s performance. The inserter has, through it's lower operating costs, made a real difference to the bottom line of our mailing process.
Industry leading satisfaction
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