Product Lines
Product Line Category

Business benefits

Enhanced security

Security scanners offer enhanced security for your premises and employees.

Rapid scanning

Our security scanners each feature rapid scanning screening to minimise delays.

Easy installation

All our security scanners are easy to install and in most cases can be used by non-technical staff.

Substance detection

Our scanners can detect more than sharp objects or weaponry.

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Advice from the CPNI

This may be an age of increasingly advanced technology, but most organisations still need to use postal services to send and receive physical mail. As a result, there is still a risk of receieving something dangerous through the post. Mailstreams into and within an organisation present opportunities for malicious attacks, including hoaxes, and without the appropriate security measures this can affect an organisation's day-to-day operations, as well as its reputation. That's why it's important to understand how to minimise the risk and impact of suspicious mail.

Centre for the Protection of National Insurance

Industry leading satisfaction

Protection your business and staff against threats

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