Creating a competitive edge with print

Printed mail still has an important role to play in customer communications. Many people prefer physical mail over electronic for some or all communications. Companies that fail to take account of customer preferences in this could find themselves losing out to those that do. Yet, managing a range of communications channels can be time-consuming and labor-intensive without tools that streamline operations and maximize return on investment in print.

Most customers use a range of channels to stay in touch. They’ll most likely stay up to date on news and developments from brands they’re loyal to through social media and company websites. When it comes to business interactions and transactions, they might favor text for appointment reminders, email for invoices and print for brochures.

Every customer is different, but when you consider that mail can make people feel valued and give them a better impression of a company when compared to email, it’s clear that companies that get print right can create a competitive edge. 

People may linger more over print than they would digital communications but it’s the mailings that stand out that will get their attention. After all, there have never been as many ways to stay in touch as there are now and people are inundated with messages all day long.

Grab customers’ attention

Personalized and tailored communications are more likely to be read, retained and actioned.

That’s not just the case with marketing communications either. Transactional communications, such as invoices and statements, must be presented and targeted in the right way. Small businesses in particular depend on payments coming in on time so any hold-up in settling accounts can cause serious problems.

Confusing or incorrectly addressed mail can cause invoices to get lost among the many letters that customers receive. Well laid out, standardized documents, clearly addressed to the right person are likely to be actioned more rapidly.

In this, the envelope counts too. A professionally addressed envelope that clearly identifies the sender as well as the addressee is the first stage in getting that letter to the right person, them understanding why they’ve received it and them giving their attention to it.

Be efficient and cost-effective

Clearly, print provides benefits when communicating with customers but to work in the best way for businesses it needs to be efficient and cost-effective.

Take postage, for example. Stamps may not provide the best value and applying them to envelopes is time-consuming too. The way mail is put together is also a big consideration as staff can spend a lot of time individually folding letters and putting them into envelopes.

Fortunately, there are ways to reduce manual processes in printed mail management. At the same time, the professional look and brand recognition of mail can be increased. 

Time-saving equipment including franking machines and folder inserters help give companies access to competitive postal tariffs and minimize staff time preparing the mail. What’s more, a franking imprint on an envelope can include a company logo to make mail instantly recognizable and build awareness of the brand.  


For ways to make printed mail as efficient and cost-effective as possible, take a look at mail-related solutions

Happy young couple excited by reading good news in paper letter