Throughout the last few months, there have been a multitude of adjustments to how employees work and business is done. One major change is the move towards digital transformation, and each business is at a different stage in the process. While businesses may be at various stages, their goals remain the same:

  • Support the Employees
    Both remote and in the office. Empower employees to work remotely and still maintain communication with each other, as well as their clients and contacts. 
  • Transform the Mailroom
    A digitally transformed mailroom requires a reduced number of staff to be physically in the mailroom. Mail arrives to the mailroom, where it is then scanned and electronically sent out the recipient by the mailroom staff.

While people may believe that digital transformation will leave physical mail behind, it actually works in conjunction with digital transformation, and it all has to do with customer preferences. There are two ways to look at how verticals are responding to accommodate the current environment and changes in customer channel preferences (physical or digital communications).

  • Companies within Verticals with Minimal Regulations
    Many verticals are able to move quicker with digital transformation. Healthcare and legal are challenged to adjust as they have strong regulations, requirements and notices in regards to data and how to communicate with clients.

    Various verticals seeing a surprise increase in revenue are now adopting digital transformation. Those verticals include home improvement locations, grocery stores, and exercise equipment suppliers.
  • Companies with Financial and Employee Resources
    Businesses with resources are able to move through digital transformation more quickly. Those that were already considering moving to digital prior to the pandemic are more prepared to make decisions and transitions. Other companies do not have the revenue needed to make the unexpected transition, making it harder for them to invest in products or solutions when they are cutting other expenses (employees, etc.). 

Across these stages and capabilities, there are also challenges that come with digital transformation. 

Some customers do not want to receive communications electronically and continue to prefer physical communications. Businesses may also only have a certain percentage of their customer base with a trusted email address, making it necessary to communicate critical documents through direct mail. As a result, physical mail will always remain necessary, even with the digital transformation movement.

These opportunities create a perfect environment for a more hybrid approach to communications – optimizing the use of both physical and digital communications.

Creative abstract postal envelopes sketch on modern laptop background, e-mail and marketing concept. Double exposure