(And Other Frequently Asked U.S. Postage Questions…)
Postage rates change yearly and are based on weight, shape and mail class. Below is a compilation of the most searched for answers to your common postage questions. *Prices based on 2020 rates.
Where can I purchase Stamps?
Stamps can be purchased at the Post Office or online.
What is the cost of a book of Stamps?
A booklet of stamps contains 20 stamps and is $11.00 USD.
How many stamps do I need per ounce?
The postage rate per ounce is $0.55 and each additional ounce is $0.15.
What are Forever Stamps?
Forever Stamps can be used to mail a one-ounce letter regardless of when the stamps are purchased or used and no matter how prices may change in the future.
You can use Forever Stamps for international mail, but since all international prices are higher than domestic prices, you will need to attach additional postage.
What if I do not include sufficient postage?
Mail with insufficient postage is normally returned to the sender.
Additional Resources
- USPS Rates: A Guide to the Current Mailing & Shipping Prices
- Flat Rate Boxes: Sizes, Prices and Benefits
- What is dimensional (DIM) weight?
- What is First-Class® Mail?
- USPS® Priority Mail FAQs
Discounted rates are available through for Quadient customers. Discover how you can save on postage, visit quadient.com.