Have you ever wondered where a package you are expecting, that was delivered to the office, was once it was delivered? In a variety of industries (such as healthcare, legal or higher education) not knowing where your item is can be extremely detrimental. Additionally, if you contact the business mailroom, and the staff is unable to locate your item quickly and efficiently, it can lead to bigger issues. 

Mailroom staff need to be able to locate a package once it has arrived, and be able to trace its movement history, throughout the process, with ease. They need to be able to answer any questions a recipient may have quickly and efficiently. By easing the chaos in a mailroom, staff can less time resolving Proof of Delivery searches and disputes by using the necessary tools to take control over the complete chain of custody.

Businesses can enjoy increased reliability, predictable service levels and higher customer satisfaction serves to elevate your mailroom’s value within the organization. Recipients know where their item is once it is delivered to the office, and are be able to access the status without contacting the mailroom staff, freeing up the mailroom staff to complete other projects.

Do tools like this exist? That will free up your mailroom staff and enhance the recipient experience? Or perhaps you need a tool that will enable your staff to ship directly from their desktop? Or maybe it is a platform that will keep track of your Certified Mail®?  

Below is breakdown of how Quadient’s mail and tracking software can empower your business and staff:

Benefits of Quadient’s shipping software

  • Enable your business and staff to ship directly from their desktop, regardless of where their desktop may be at this moment. Simply access Neoship through your Myquadient account, follow the illustrated prompts and create a shipping label. You can also save on shipping with one-click rate shopping and commercial-based discounts.
  • Generate detailed mailing, shipping and tracking reports and identify cost saving opportunities with easy rate comparison across multiple carriers with S.M.A.R.T.  It is a cloud based solution combines leading edge technologies to improve customer interactions and business processes through a simple and intuitive navigation. You can also customize each user experience to meet the unique needs of your organization.

Benefits of Quadient’s delivery tracking software 

  • Track any parcel or package movement history from your desktop or mobile app with Web Tracking System (WTS). Gain reliability and end-to-end visibility into your internal delivery activity. Your mailroom staff will spend less time resolving Proof of Delivery disputes and have the necessary tools to take control over the complete chain of custody. Enjoy predictable service levels and higher customer satisfaction serves to elevate your mailroom’s value within the organization.
  • Centralize the processing of Certified Mail® with Return Receipt and track your documents directly through the United States Post Office®. Access specific delivery information and images of recipient signatures, all securely stored in the cloud, with ConnectSuite e-Certify

Benefits of the Parcel Pending by Quadient Parcel Locker Solutions

  • Create an automated workflow to facilitate your parcel delivery and return process - from home delivery and C&C for retailers, to Pick-Up and Drop-Off (PUDO) automation for carriers. If you experience low to high-volumes of parcel deliveries and returns, incorporating a Quadient Parcel Locker Solution into your location will remove constraints, freeing up time and space for a more organized delivery and collection processes.
  • Quadient Parcel lockers are currently available for university campuses, retail locations and PUDO points, multifamily residences, logistics providers, and corporate offices.

Parcel Pending by Quadient Parcel Lockers are:

  • Secure. An automatic log is kept of every drop-off and pick-up for full chain-of-custody visibility and the sturdy steel lockers keep all contents safe.
  • Convenient. Packages are available for easy retrieval 24/7.
  • Affordable. They reduce labor, as fewer resources are required for parcel management, distribution, and pick-up.
  • Carrier agnostic. Any delivery carrier can deliver to our lockers.
  • Contactless. Use a contactless delivery, collection and return process to remove queues and limit unnecessary contact with others.

Learn more about Quadient’s suite of mail-related solutions, and when you are ready, discuss your goals by contacting a Quadient expert

tracking mail and packages