Since the Covid-19 pandemic began over 18 months ago, much of the world has moved online. This has accelerated the process of digital transformation, which had already been underway for a number of years. In a rapidly changing digital world, it is vital for compliance to keep up, particularly given the strict GDPR fines that are in place concerning data breaches.

But can compliance keep pace with a world moving faster than any had thought possible? For this to be possible, thinking around compliance needs to be revaluated. Moving forward, organisations need to transition towards automating processes.


How does digital impact mail?

There are many regulations that organisations must comply with in terms of mail processes. For example, settlement checks must be sent by certified mail. This means they need to be printed, while legal forms must also be printed and delivered in physical form in order for clients to be able to sign agreements and settlement releases.

Further to this, there are regulatory compliance issues with groups, such as Medicare, which require certain documents to be sent via mail. Regulatory issues remain a big factor in determining what channels and processes to use for the documents being distributed to customers. By businesses automating mail processes, they can ensure they are keeping compliant as these mail related tasks are done automatically, eradicating the potential for any human error.


Franking machines

Franking machines help organisations to automate mail workflow through processing huge volumes of mail quickly and accurately. This removes human error from the process, with miss assigning addresses a thing of the past – franking machines ensure the right mail reaches the correct recipient.

Furthermore, the latest generation of franking machines, including our latest iX-series range, utilise mailmark technology, making the procedure the most efficient and accurate way to process mail, as well as ensuring the operation is safe and compliant. For the new iX-series franking machine range, data security was one of the top priorities. This can be seen with the equipment utilising encryption security through connecting a company’s machine to Quadient servers. By purchasing a franking machine from this new range, organisations significantly improve their security relating to the mail process, while they also reduce the risk of any data breaches.

What’s more, with the latest iX range, we’ve taken security even further, with integrated S.M.A.R.T. software. This software helps employees and employers adapt to the new hybrid workforce, as franking machines can be accessed from outside of the mailroom through remote access to desktop print, therefore reducing a business’s mailroom workload. However, this also guarantees security, as only approved users can access the system, thus still maintaining control on user management.


Intelligent folder inserters

Quadient folder inserter machines make it quick and easy to manage bulk mailings of invoices or marketing materials. This equipment also eliminates manual errors and ensures compliance. When automating using a Quadient folder inserter, your business has the potential, through the use of Impress, to eliminate manual errors ensuring the right document is sent to the right customer.

The real security comes from integrating intelligent software, Quadient Impress Automate, with your folder inserter. This ensures your organisation stays GDPR compliant by increasing its security, as adding intelligence to mail process machines means companies are automatically able to process the right number of pages for communication distribution through barcode technology.

Providing businesses automate their mail process, through the use of solutions such as franking machines and intelligent folder inserter machines, they’re not only making the process more efficient, but also ensuring the right customer receives the right communication and are keeping compliant.

For further information, take a look at our new franking machine range and intelligent folder inserters.

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