As we get used to a new and different way of life, our shopping and working habits are bound to change – and with that, new and more efficient delivery systems are inevitably needed. Tracking systems allow you to locate packages, as well as trace their movement history all from a desktop or mobile device. With company tracking systems, mailroom staff spend less time resolving proof of delivery disputes and have the necessary tools to take control over the complete chain of custody. Increased reliability, predictable service levels and higher customer satisfaction all serve to elevate your mailroom’s value within the organisation.
Tracking systems allow real time information & proof of delivery
As more people are ordering online and with shops recently shut for over two months, addresses across the country have seen an increase in parcel deliveries – and tracking down these items as they journey from supplier to recipient can prove to be a challenge. With parcel amounts increasing, it pays to consider ways to streamline inbound mail management processes for increased traceability and a more convenient experience.
Real time tracking is important for mail processes as it allows the receiver to know exactly where their parcel is, what time it is going to arrive and who will be delivering it. As our lives are currently changing constantly and going forward it is likely we will be splitting our time more between home and the office, knowing exactly where your parcel is, will become more important than ever.
Parcels going astray costs money
For the employee, waiting on a package is frustrating. They become sucked into the process of trying to track parcels down, spending valuable time doing so. If the parcel cannot be located, they may have to reorder it, and this may prove expensive to the business. Some organisations may also depend on this delivery to be able to continue with a project or a task, meaning a delay could cause the company a loss of money and opportunity.
It should be simple to answer the question, “Where’s my package?” and to bring order and traceability to inbound parcel management – and a digital overhaul of manual, paper-based processes can provide a solution. If organisations ensure they have full tracking and traceability on packages, this means they can plan projects effectively and efficiently, meaning improved outcomes for businesses and customers alike.
Mail rooms are increasingly overrun
Despite an increase in inbound parcel volumes, many under-pressure post rooms have only manual methods for receiving and processing inbound mail. These methods can be time-consuming and frequently rely on error-prone paper records to record deliveries.
The risk of these errors – which results in lost and delayed parcel deliveries – is placing a growing amount of responsibility and pressure on administrative staff whose workload concerning mail handling is only expected to increase. So, how will parcel tracking help mail rooms? Automated emails are sent to the parcel recipient, meaning mail rooms no longer have the responsibility of informing and finding the receiver, therefore making an often-time-consuming part of their job easier.
As well as this, handheld scanners are used by members of the mailroom to keep track of all the items coming in and out, and also make it easy to create and print labels for distribution. Tracking labels can be created ad hoc for those sending mail, meaning the overall process becomes more trustworthy and efficient.
Overall, manual, paper-based inbound parcel management processes can leave post room and package recipients in the dark about where items are. An all-in-one solution to track and trace parcels can provide the answer.
For more information about Quadient’s Web Tracking System solution, visit our page here.