Certified Mail® is a mail class that provides the sender with a mailing receipt and electronic verification upon delivery, or that delivery was attempted.

Individuals and businesses use Certified Mail to send contracts, legal/financial documents, and more – it is mainly used to send a document that requires a level of security.

That’s great – but what does it cost?

Sending a piece of Certified Mail will cost $3.55, in addition to postage delivery fees and other fees you choose. You can combine it with Return Receipt to get an electronic or physical delivery record showing the recipient’s signature.

Return Receipt provides the sender with proof of delivery (the recipient's signature along with information about the delivery address, if different, and date of and time of delivery).

Return Receipt (In conjunction with another extra service) is $2.85, and Electronic Return Receipt is $1.70. (With Return Receipt, you receive a physical copy of the receipt and with Electronic Return Receipt the receipt is emailed to you.) Return Receipt for merchandise, requested at time of mailing is $4.30.

As with Return Receipt service, the electronic option provides a mailer with evidence of delivery (to whom the mail was delivered and date of delivery), along with information about the recipient's actual delivery address.

Certified Mail service is also available combined with three other services: 

  • Certified Mail Restricted Delivery
    Customers may direct delivery of Certified Mail only to the addressee (or addressee’s authorized agent)

  • Certified Mail Adult Signature Required
    Customers may direct delivery of Certified Mail only to an adult (individual who is 21 years of age or older)

  • Certified Mail Adult Signature Restricted Delivery
    Customers may limit delivery of Certified Mail only to a specific addressee or authorized agent who is 21 years of age or older (Available online and to commercial mailers only.)

When it comes down to it, if you have to send a secure document, ensure delivery to the recipient (and have proof) – Certified Mail is a cost-effective option to use that can save you from worrying over delivery.


Looking to simplify the preparation, tracking and storage of Certified Mail?
Centralize the processing of Certified Mail with Return Receipt and track your documents directly through the United States Post Office®. Preparing Certified Mail with Return Receipt electronically saves time and money, enabling you to access specific delivery information and images of recipient signatures, all securely stored in the cloud with ConnectSuite e-Certify.

Composition of white envelope above the sea flyling through direction shown by white points and drawn airplanes