It is unknown now. Physical mail is declining, parcels are increasing, and digital outreach is a more cost effective way to communicate. (That is not to say it will remain that way forever.) This past year has shown that with the abundance of email being sent – people are welcoming more physical mail. Is there such a thing as email exhaustion? Think about it. When receiving lots of digital mail, with various physical mail, what are you more likely to open and read? That is not to say they cannot work together.
Give customers the choice of how to communicate with them differently. If you send physical mail to a customer that likes digital outreach, they may be less likely to read it. If you send an email to a customer that likes physical mail and communications, they may delete it without even opening it. By allowing people to have more of a choice, they are more apt to open the piece of communication.
Outreach needs to grasp the customer’s attention (digital outreach or physical mail), be relevant and connect with each of them. They may interact more with a direct outreach preference – similar to how some people like to read physical books versus listening to a book.
For the situation we find ourselves in, companies need to have the ability send physical mail and digital mail, to give customers preferences and be able to manipulate documents, as well as ensure data quality, address accuracy to aid the customer experience. A real, solid product and solution needs to address all of these opportunities for growth.
If companies can get a blend of physical mail and digital oureach, we are in a good spot moving forward. Quadient can open up the world of solutions and platforms that can help any company move towards transformation.
If you are interested in learning more about how Quadient mail related solutions will benefit your company, contact us today.