As offices around the country experience an increase in parcel deliveries, tracking down items as they journey from post room to recipient can prove to be a challenge. With the holiday season (and the spike that causes in parcel volumes) fast approaching, it pays to consider ways to streamline inbound mail management processes for increased traceability and a more convenient experience.
A parcel delivered to office premises more often than not goes to a central receiving area – a reception or post room. Staff in these areas are then faced with the often tricky task of tracking the person down to unite them with their delivery.
This can be a challenge because the employee may be working in another office, taking holiday, working from home or just travelling on business. It may even be that they work flexible hours and are never at their desk at the particular time of the day the post room tries to get in touch and make their deliveries.
It may be that the parcel is delivered to a colleague or kept in storage. Manual, paper-based records of where the parcel is can be unreliable. When this is the case, the employee is left asking, “Where’s my package?”
For the post room or reception, it’s disheartening. Chances are they have tried on multiple occasions to deliver the parcel, giving valuable time to the task that could have been more productively spent elsewhere.
The cost of parcels going astray
For the employee, it’s frustrating. They too become sucked into the process of trying to track the parcel down, also spending valuable time doing so. If the parcel cannot be located, they may have to reorder it and this may prove expensive to the business. What’s more, they may be dependent on the delivery to make progress in a project which could then be delayed and cost the company in opportunities missed.
It should be simple to answer the question, “Where’s my package?” and to bring order and traceability to inbound parcel management.
A digital overhaul of manual, paper-based processes can provide a solution
An inbound mail tracking system records and tracks parcels from the time they arrive through to when they reach their final destination. There, electronic proof of delivery can be captured. It makes for a more secure process with protection for post room and reception staff struggling to keep track of valuable deliveries, while also helping to keep employees updated on where their parcels are.
They can be notified by email once the item has been scanned on delivery and benefit from real-time status tracking as the parcel makes its way through the system.
Manual, paper-based inbound parcel management processes can leave post room and package recipients in the dark about where items are. An all-in-one solution to track and trace parcels can provide a solution. Find out how we can help.