Renewed interest in print communications, driven by SMBs, is growing along with the economy. In major markets around the world, physical mail began to rebound in March of 2021. The U.K., which had the most drastic reduction in mail volume at the beginning of the pandemic, has shown the most impressive growth. The U.S. also had a strong start to 2021, with mail volumes in March equaling those of March 2019 and 2020. 

Print communications offer a distinct set of advantages that make them uniquely valuable in the digital world. Consumers interact with print for a longer time and see it as a higher value communication.

Print communications also:

  • Create a more lasting impression
  • Evoke a stronger emotional attachment
  • Result in better recall

Print communications break up the digital fatigue experience
Over the last year, consumers spent the majority of their time inside their homes, forced to manage their lives through their electronic devices: laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc. (it is no wonder that digital fatigue set in). For businesses trying to break through the digital clutter, printed communication became a valuable alternative.

The need for printed communication pieces (such as welcome packages, bills, and contracts) persists in part due to the digital fatigue experienced by consumers. They receive an abundance of digital communications, online and on personal devices, which is where print communications shine. Consumers benefit from the tactile experience of print communications, and it serves as a reminder to perform an action (such as to pay a bill).

Aspire, the authors of the paper, The Future of Mail, said, "More and more marketers will also come to see direct mail as a premium channel that can bypass spam filters and shine among nondescript white envelopes without having to compete against hundreds of emails." Technology advancements (like geofencing) enhance the value of printed mail, giving marketers the ability to target prospects with pinpoint accuracy. Devices with location services can be mapped to physical addresses, allowing vendors to send cohesive, integrated campaigns digitally and through print communications.

The allure of print communications in the channel mix
As more communications became digital, print communications took on an allure that had been missing for some time. All the reasons direct mail used to dominate the marketing mix are new again to a constituency that grew up with very little. As we've seen, younger cohorts are a large share of the buying public, and direct mail is still a novelty for them.

Print will remain the chosen delivery mechanism for high-value documents. For companies with limited access to trusted email, it is still safer to use physical mail delivery for critical documents. Keith Woedy, VP of Research & Practice Lead at Madison Advisors, says, "One thing is certain, the consumer will drive physical and electronic mail strategy, and today, the consumer still expects and demands the ability to send and receive physical mail."

To learn more, download the complimentary White Paper: Thrive and Survive: How print communication’s value continues for SMBs and customers

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Large offset printing press or magazine running a long roll off paper in production line of industrial printer machine.