Making Print a Priority in 2021

2020 was the year in which many of us embraced technology more than ever before.
Why Printed Mail Will Be Important In 2021

Last year, the use of digital channels such as video calls and web messaging became, for obvious reasons, more important than ever.
The all-important last-posting dates for Christmas 2020

Following our most recent piece of research that we con
Employees + Manual Processing = Happy, Engaged Employees?

Everyone has done it before. Whether you are now a top executive or just in the midst of your career. Can you guess what it is?
How do you track and trace incoming mail?

Parcel deliveries are on the increase but many mailrooms still receive and process incoming post manually.
Creating a competitive edge with Print

Creating a competitive edge with print
Printed mail still has an important role t
Quadient in the news: Quadient Evolves For Digital Comms

The company provides advanced solutions for physical mail processing, digital communications management, and supply chain and e-commerce process optimisation.
Reasons to use a franking machine : Efficiency

In this blog series, we’re examining reasons to use a franking machine instead of stamps.
Reasons to Use a Franking Machine in 2020: Cost Control

Businesses enjoy a range of benefits when they pay for postage using a franking machine instead of stamps.
The Importance of Print in the Hybrid Communications Mix: Your Questions, Answered.

Quadient partnered with Keypoint Intelligence InfoTrends to discuss The Importance of Print in the Hyb