In today's digital age, it's easy to assume that physical mail is a thing of the past. But recent research conducted by Quadient reveals that almost two-thirds (62%) of UK consumers are more likely to open a letter than an email. This suggests that letters remain an important communication channel for businesses, especially for delivering important documents like contracts or mortgage statements. In fact, 71% of respondents expect companies to send these important documents through the post rather than over email.

While letters can be a powerful tool for businesses, it's important to use them in the right context. Nearly half (47%) of consumers reported being annoyed by receiving letters that appeared threatening or alarming, only to find out they were junk. Companies need to find the right balance between using letters, emails, and other digital communication channels depending on the reason for contacting the customer.

Benefits of Physical Letters

Why are physical letters preferred over emails by UK consumers? The main reasons cited include:

  • Guaranteed importance: 43% of respondents said important letters can be sent with guaranteed or signed-for delivery, ensuring they receive it and know immediately that it's important.
  • Privacy and security: 42% said there is no risk of hacking, phishing or being infected by viruses when it comes to physical letters. 37% appreciate the lack of spam messages received through physical mail compared to email.
  • Personalisation: 39% said letters feel more personalised to them and their needs than bulk email messages.

Advantages of Emails

On the other hand, consumers also cited reasons why a business might be better off sending an email instead of a letter. These include:

  • Immediacy: 56% said they can receive and reply to an email immediately, allowing them to communicate with a business faster.
  • Ease of access: 54% prefer email as messages can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, with an internet connection.
  • Every day: 49% appreciate the ability to access email on any day, even Sundays and Bank Holidays, instead of having to miss delivery.

Silver Surfers and Email

Interestingly, the research also found that those aged 55 and over are more likely to prefer email over letters. 65% of this age group prefer email because they can receive and reply immediately. 59% like that they can access emails from anywhere, at any time, and 59% prefer email because they can receive messages on any day, including Sundays and Bank Holidays.


Businesses need to consider both letters and emails when communicating with customers. It's dangerous to assume that customers prefer one over the other. For instance, businesses serving an older customer base may assume they won't respond well to email, but this is not always the case. Companies need to think strategically about the different scenarios in which they contact customers and choose the communication channel that best fits the situation. The recent research conducted by Quadient, based on a survey of 2,000 UK consumers in autumn 2022, provides valuable insights into the preferences of UK consumers when it comes to physical letters and emails.
Opinium surveyed 2,000 UK consumers in Autumn 2022.


image showing letters