
Quality Management System (ISO 9001)

The ISO 9001 Quality Management System enables Quadient to continually monitor and manage quality across all operations. As the world’s most widely recognized quality management standard it outlines ways to achieve, as well as benchmark, consistent performance and service. Since 2007 Quadient has been the proud holder of the ISO 9001 certification across the entire organization.

Our policy is to understand and meet the requirements of our customers, suppliers, employees and shareholders; to continually improve our processes and services; to deliver products and services on time and fit for purpose; to offer support and services that ensure the best use of our products and solutions; to conform to regulatory requirements and applicable international and industrial standards; to improve the competencies of employees and provide opportunities for their growth.

Environment Management System (ISO 14001)

The ISO 14001 is an internationally accepted standard that outlines how to put an effective Environmental Management System in place. It has helped Quadient to remain commercially successful without losing sight of our environmental responsibilities, and to grow while reducing the environmental impact of this growth. Quadient introduced this standard in 2014 and has gained certification to the standard on multiple sites.

Our policy is to strive to prevent, eliminate and reduce waste and pollution by improving operations, recycling, and reusing material wherever possible; to conserve natural resources; to reduce material and energy consumption; and to comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory environmental requirements.

Information Security Management System (ISO 27001)

The ISO 27001 is the international standard that describes best practices for Information Security Management Systems. Quadient is committed to following the best practices in international security and since 2011 has been the proud holder of the ISO 27001 certification across multiple sites.

In the process of 2017 we extended our Information Security Management System to cover cloud services. To achieve this, we introduced the ISO 27017 and ISO 27018 standards within our Research and Development sites in the Czech Republic. 

Code of practice for information security controls for cloud services (ISO 27017)

Used with ISO 27001 series of standards, ISO 27017 provides enhanced controls for cloud service providers and cloud service customers. Unlike many other technology-related standards ISO 27017 clarifies both party’s roles and responsibilities to help make cloud services as safe and secure as the rest of the data included in a certified information management system.

Code of practice for protection of personally identifiable information (PII) in public clouds acting as PII processors (ISO 27018)

The ISO 27018 standard directly refers to the contents of the ISO 27001 standard for Information Security and the commensurate the guide for information security controls. ISO 27018 specifies these controls by helping to integrate the special requirements relating to the protection of personally identifiable information within public cloud services in an existing information security management system. Within the ISO 27018 standard, the contents of ISO 27002 are extended by adding the relevant cloud aspects.

Our policy is to protect all customer data under Quadient’s custody, to protect internal know-how and business interests, to protect ICT infrastructure investments, and to protect the ICT infrastructure and data against unauthorized access. We provide secure ICT services adjusted to Quadient’s business needs; defining and implementing measures that protect the ICT infrastructure against damage caused by manipulation, technical failure or organizational lacks. We ensure employees are adequately trained to handle information securely and to comply with relevant legal and internal guidelines.

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

The Capability Maturity Model Integration, or CMMI, is a process model that provides a clear definition of the actions an organization should take to promote behavior that leads to improved performance in development and services. Quadient has been certified compliant with CMMI level 3 in key process areas for development since 2007 and for services since 2014.

Our policy is to deliver exceptionally highly performing products and solutions, which have outstanding usability, while maintaining a minimal defect density and always ensuring timely delivery to our customers and partners.

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