PermiServ is a management software and print solutions company that specialises in label printing and direct mail. From its Dartford-based factory, the dedicated 13+ staff of this family business provides permit printing and Cloud Management Services to 100 councils/local authorities.
In 2021, PermiServ implemented Quadient folder inserters and production AIMS management software to support its full-service, in-house provision to clients. Since then, it has enhanced its capacity to accurately meet the demands of varied print schedules, verifying every single mail item. “It was a nice move forward, using Quadient. The DS-700 iQ brings a smile to my face - that easy feeling that you know it's going to work and it's going to work well." John Bayley, Managing Director at PermiServ.
The challenge: to meet the demands of a high-volume production environment
PermiServ has established its credentials as a quality service provider over almost 50 years by investing in processes and people. Technology enables it to deliver its vision and provide a quality service to clients.
“Technology is what we are,” says John Bayley, Managing Director at PermiServ. “Our main product for local authorities is a cloud-based software solution and this extends to the production facility.”
Scalability and flexibility are important qualities of the production machines that PermiServ chooses, as these enable the firm to respond in an agile way to varied print schedules.
John explains: “We set our service up at the beginning of the year and a Council might ask us to push through 40,000 permits in a day: no problem. But then, come the end of the year, they may want only one item a week. For most print suppliers, that’s a nightmare, whereas we’re permanently configured for that. We embrace it.”
Data integrity, accuracy and visibility are also essential for assurance that all the correct items go into each mailing. PermiServ gives clients access to its bespoke cloud-based system so they can see when each item has been processed.
The process: matching solution to business requirements
To meet all its needs, PermiServ required a production enclosing system that would integrate seamlessly with its cloud-based system, verify items against print runs whilst enclosing for data integrity, meet demanding and varied volume schedules and provide the capacity to grow in line with clients’ needs. PermiServ was familiar with Quadient as it already used one of its machines, but it was careful to review the market to find the right solution to meet its requirements. The team was impressed by Quadient’s account managers and the folder inserters’ demonstration it received.
Quadient recommended two folder inserters and production management software. John recognised that this would deliver the critical features that PermiServ required: “What I liked about Quadient was that 100% inspection is a core part of what it does. That’s essential for us; if we couldn’t offer that, our product wouldn’t be fit for purpose. It means that we can be a trustworthy and reliable solution in the industry.”The solution: DS-700 iQ and DS-1200 G4i folder inserters and AIMS
The DS-700 iQ folder inserter can automatically collate, fold, insert, seal and count up to 7,000 mail pieces an hour. The high-volume DS-1200 G4i folder inserter handles up to 12,000 mail pieces an hour and has an integrated envelope printing solution for envelope personalisation.
Automated Insertion Management System (AIMS) software works with Quadient’s folder inserters. It verifies, in real time, that each mail piece in a job has been completed and identifies where any items may need reprocessing.
John says: “The barcode verification and inspection backed by AIMS is critical to what we do. It means that we can guarantee that we have printed everything given to us and that we’ve packed and presented to Royal Mail everything in a print run. We’ve verified every single mail item pushed our way.”
The complete solution meets the production demands of PermiServ’s high-volume business whilst providing the flexibility to accommodate smaller volume and one-off print runs. “One of the real strengths of the Quadient solution is agility – the fact that we can get set up and run for one or two items or 100,000 means that we can service the entire spread of demand,” notes John.
“We now have a lot of production capacity and, importantly, it all integrates to AIMS which checks the mail item scans against job files. That’s how we verify we’ve produced everything that was included in the print run.”
The results: enhanced capacity and operation efficiency
During peak times, PermiServ can now pack an additional 40,000 permits a day with the Quadient solutions in place. It is also able to meet the demands of its varied print schedules, to precisely service the needs of its public sector clients.
As a direct result of the new production machines, the team has also seen a time saving of two hours a day which it has invested in staff wellbeing. The team didn’t set out to change the work it works, only to optimise its processes. This has enabled it to do more of what it does faster and to increase staff happiness.
“Previously, we worked around machine limitations,” says John. “Now those limitations have gone we can make process improvements for operational efficiencies. It is easier to do what we do, and we have fewer production queues.”
AIMS integrates with PermiServ’s bespoke cloud-based system, giving clients visibility into the progress of their mailing jobs. Barcode verification reassures PermiServ of the accuracy and integrity that is essential for its business and clients.
“Previously, we had inspection for nearly every mail item, but there were some things that were difficult – we had to hand-pack which was very annoying,” says John. “Now, we have guaranteed 100% inspection on every mail piece item and that’s a direct benefit we can pass on.”