PermiServ enhances capacity and mailing verification with Quadient folder inserters

PermiServ enhances capacity and mailing verification
PermiServ is a management software and print solutions company that specialises in label printing and direct mail and provides permit printing and Cloud Management Services to 100 councils/local authorities. In 2021, PermiServ implemented Quadient folder inserters and production AIMS management software to support its full-service, in-house provision to clients.

Devon & Cornwall Police increase mailing capacity and cut costs with Quadient

Devon & Cornwall Police increase mailing capacity and cut costs with Quadient
In 2023, Devon & Cornwall Police upgraded its Quadient mailing solutions to meet the communications demand generated by a 40% increase in detected road safety offences. It successfully raised its production capacity and at the same time, achieved a 25% reduction in postage costs and automated mailing verification for data integrity.

Quadient’s suite of solutions increase productivity and save costs for Trois Moulins Habitat

Trois Moulins Habitat, located in Seine-et-Marne, France, creates and manages affordable, quality housing for people of limited resources, in partnership with local authorities. A subsidiary of the Polylogis group, an independent property management company specializing in the construction, renovation, development, and management of social housing, Trois Moulins Habitat’s mission is to develop quality social housing rentals and promote diversity and social ties.