In today's rapidly evolving business environment, companies must adapt their communication strategies to meet the demands of both present and future customers.This blog post explores the importance of well-orchestrated multi-channel communications and how they can affect customer experience. 

Hybrid experiences outperform purely physical or digital experiences

Company communications, as well as customer interactions, are becoming immersive, integrated, and anticipatory. Single-channel communication strategies are rare.  In fact, research indicates that hybrid customer experiences – those that combine both digital and physical interactions – outperform purely digital or purely physical experiences. 

Eliminating Silos and Building Bridges

To thrive in the modern market, businesses must break down silos and build bridges between various communication channels. By adopting a multi-channel communication approach, businesses can enhance customer experiences, drive convenience, and better serve customers in an increasingly complex environment. 

Overcoming Challenges
Creating a multi-channel communication strategy that appeals to your audience does not come without its challenges.

Growing number of communication channels: Determining the best use of the channel mix can be a daunting task. In the US alone, consumers connect on an average of  3.2 different channels and 4.7 devices across generations.  

Forrester Research "The 3D Connected Consumer in 2020", July 2020
Base:3809-49012 US Online Adults. Source: Forrester Analytics Consumer Technographics Benchmark Survey, "The 3D Connected Consumer in 2020," July 2020 

Evolving consumer expectations: If one company sets a precedent with proactive, seamless communication, it raises the bar for all other companies and sets those expectations for all companies with which they interact. 

Limited resources: Most businesses don't have unlimited resources, so making smart choices about where to focus your effort is crucial, whether it's direct mail, email, or mobile. 

When multi-channel communication goes awry

When outbound communications are uncoordinated and lack governance, customers may receive conflicting messages that negatively affect their experience with your brand. Examples include receiving check-in notifications for canceled reservations or reminders for already-paid bills. Depending on the situation, it could make or break your relationship with that customer. 

Understanding your customer
The key to successful multi-channel communication is understanding your customers – how and where they connect and their preferences for engaging with different communication channels.  The more data you have on your customer, the more intelligent business decisions you can make. Take advantage of software tools that offer predictive analytics to help you better understand how your customers behave.  

With an ever-growing number of devices, platforms, and channels available, businesses must optimize communication strategies based on the channels that work best for each type of communication. For instance, direct mail may be highly effective for marketing campaigns, while mobile messaging might be more suitable for urgent notifications.  Ask yourself what channel makes the most sense for the type of communication. What do my customers respond to? What gets them to pay the bill? What gets them to take action?

Physical mail can excel in areas such as colorful brochures, while digital channels offer personalization, relevance, and timeliness. By leveraging the strengths of each channel, businesses can create more engaging and satisfying customer experiences. The two really have an opportunity to complement one another.

Recommendations for Success

Assess current practices: Take inventory of existing communication methods How many channels do we have? What are notifications are we sending out? What is the volume? What mailing processes can I automate? 

Optimize communications channels and look for opportunities: Determine which channels work best for each type of communication. By identifying the most effective channels for your audience, you can strategically align your communications to maximize impact. Is there also an opportunity to deliver a targeted marketing message on a statement or invoice? 

Establish clear roles and responsibilities for coordinating outbound communications: Determine who has the authority to send out customer communications.  To effectively coordinate outbound communication, businesses need to establish a unified communications role. This role or team should have the authority to orchestrate all outbound communication.  Teams can ensure that messages are consistent and, most of all, well-timed across all channels by centralizing communications through a single platform. 

Balance helpfulness and spam: Establish engagement rules and priorities is essential to avoid coming across as intrusive or spammy.

Embrace the future of customer communications: How you communicate with your customers can determine the success or failure of your relationship, establish a precedent for future interactions, and ultimately influence a customer’s perception of your business.When you unleash the power of well-orchestrated multi-channel communications, you create a seamless dialogue with your customer that ultimately builds loyalty and encourages future interactions with your organization.

customer communications playbook
Strategically aligned communications deliver the best experience