Thrive and Survive: How print communication’s value continues for SMBs and customers

How print communication’s value continues for SMBs and customers
As more communications became digital, print communications took on an allure that had been missing for some time. All the reasons direct mail used to dominate the marketing mix are new again to a constituency that grew up with very little. As we've seen, younger cohorts are a large share of the buying public, and direct mail is still a novelty for them. Print will remain the chosen delivery mechanism for high-value documents.  Print communications offer a distinct set of advantages that make them uniquely valuable in the digital world. Consumers interact with print for a longer time and see it as a higher value communication.  To learn more, download the complimentary White Paper: Thrive and Survive: How print's value continues for SMBs and customers

How to optimize print and digital communications to maximize customer experience

forrester webinar path to digital transformation
Customer interactions are becoming increasingly omnichannel and increasingly digital. However, many businesses struggle with creating seamless experiences across different communication channels. Su Doyle, Senior Analyst, Forrester discusses the importance of understanding customer needs and striking a balanced approach to your customer communication strategy to ensure a high quality experience with your business.